Many homeowners in America are living in some sort of community association. the ever-growing homeowners association industry has developed a sense of community that many people long for. HOAs help maintain the property values of a neighborhood while building relationships between neighbors. The best way for homeowners and Board members to keep their association organized and looking beautiful, is to hire a professional HOA management company. There are many association management companies out there that are ready to manage your association. The problem facing management companies today is their lack of advertising. They have given up on advertising and it has affected their business. Board members cannot seem to find the right management company to fit their specific needs.
The Problem
Here’s the thing, there are ways for HOA management companies to advertise and HOA Management (.com) is one of them. It is true that companies end up having to advertise to a huge net of people, when in reality they only need to target a select few. A community can have hundreds of residents but only about seven of them are on the board and make these types of decisions. There are many different ways to advertise a company, but we would argue, HOA Management (.com) is the best. Many companies decide to advertise on mainstream website such as The Community Association Institute (CAI), pay-per click ads such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, even local business organizations.
Mainstream Advertising
The Community Association Institute is an organization that helps build better communities. The CAI provides education, information and resources about homeowners association. The mainly target community managers, board members and other people interested in growing their community. There are many CAI chapters worldwide that provide programs designed to educate board members and other volunteers. Google, Bing, and Yahoo are all pay-per click resources. These can be helpful, but you have to come up with the correct keywords homeowners would use to search. Management companies have given up on advertising, but we have a resolution.
The Solution
At HOA Management (.com) we believe now, more than ever, is the time to advertise your HOA management company. Lets make it simple for homeowners and Board members to find companies that will serve their community and help grow their business. We create your profile page and make it extremely easy for board members to contact you. We list your direct phone number and provide a contact form that goes directly to your email. We believe that video advertising is becoming an effective way to get leads, therefore we offer to create a video for your company and display it on your profile page. Clients will also be able to contact you through any social media accounts you have, straight from your profile page. Advertising on HOA Management (.com) cost a flat rate for one whole year. We guarantee our advertisers will gain a profit by only gaining one client from advertising on our website. We encourage you to consider advertising with us and watch how your company can grow.
By HOA Management (.com)