While doing a little research for the next few articles, I found a blog that had a tremendous amount of information on it. One of the sections that I scanned had 317 entries from owners who felt their rights as an owner were violated by the Board. With so many entries under that heading, it made me question, “do owners really know what their rights AND responsibilities as an owner are?”
To find some answers, I went to the CAI website and found an excellent outline from the President’s Club. Because it is lengthy, it will appear in two editions of our ENewsletter. The first section will address Homeowners. I know we’ve all attended too many meetings when a decision was unpopular (as most of the Board’s decisions seem to be) and were being protested by owners, now demanding access to Minutes and official records and all kinds of information. Most all items they are completely entitled to, but under a specific process. When being reminded of that process, many owners will only see it as a stalling or delaying tactic. Unhappy owners will always be convinced their rights are being abused, but seldom acknowledge with rights come responsibilities.
Listed below are the Rights and Responsibilities promulgated by the CAI Presidents Club.
Rights and Responsibilities can serve as an important guidepost for all those involved in the community – board and committee members, community managers, homeowners and non-owner residents.
Homeowners Have the Right To:
- A responsive and competent community association.
- Honest, fair and respectful treatment by community leaders and managers.
- Participate in governing the community association by attending meetings, serving on committees and standing for election.
- Access appropriate association books and records.
- Prudent expenditure of fees and other assessments.
- Live in a community where the property is maintained according to established standards.
- Fair treatment regarding financial and other association obligations, including the opportunity to discuss payment plans and options with the association before collection action is initiated.
- Receive all documents that address rules and regulation governing the community association – if not prior to purchase and settlement by a real estate agent or attorney, then upon joining the community.
- Appeal to appropriate community leaders those decisions affecting non-routine financial responsibilities or property rights.
Homeowners Have the Responsibility To:
- Read and comply with the governing documents of the community.
- Maintain their property according to established standards.
- Treat association leaders honestly and with respect.
- Vote in community elections and on other issues.
- Pay association assessments and charges on time.
- Contact association leaders or managers, if necessary, to discuss financial obligations and alternative payment arrangements.
- Request reconsideration of material decisions that personally affect them.
- Provide current contact information to association leaders or manager to help ensure they receive information from the community.
- Ensure that those who reside on their property (e.g. tenants, relatives, friends) adhere to all rules and regulations.
This article is provided by Sentry Management Inc.